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Admin View (ambari-admin) Development

Frontend Development

Follow the instructions here to ease frontend development for Admin View (ambari-admin module):

  1. Follow the Quick Start Guide to install and start Ambari Server (cluster need not be deployed).

  2. Follow the "Frontend Development" section in Quick Start Guide to check out the Ambari source using git. This makes the entire Ambari source available via /vagrant/ambari from the Vagrant VM.

  3. From the Ambari Server host:

    cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/work  <- if this directory does not exist, you have      not started ambari-server; run "ambari-server start" to start it
    mv ADMIN_VIEW\{\} /tmp
    ln -s /vagrant/ambari/ambari-admin/src/main/resources/ui/admin-web/dist ADMIN_VIEW\{\}
    cp /tmp/ADMIN_VIEW\{\}/view.xml ADMIN_VIEW\{\}/
    ambari-server restart
  4. Now you can change the source code for Admin View and run gulp locally, and the changes are automatically reflected on the server.

Functional Tests

To run end-to-end functional tests on the browser, execute:

npm run update-webdriver npm start (This starts http server at 8000 port)

Open another terminal at same path and execute: npm run protractor (does e2e test in the browser. This library works on top of selenium jar).

Unit Tests

To run unit tests:

Go to path: /ambari/ambari-admin/src/main/resources/ui/admin-web Execute npm run test-single-run (this uses PhantomJS headless browser; it's the same used by the ambari-web unit tests)

Note: "npm test" command starts karma server at http://localhost:9876/ and runs unit tests. This server remain up, autoreloads any changes in the test code and reruns the tests. This is useful while developing unit tests.