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Version: 2.7.6

Apache Ambari JIRA

The following page describes the Apache Ambari JIRA components for tasks, bugs and improvements across the core project + contributions.


Proposed RenameDescription
alertsJIRAs related to Ambari Alerts system.
ambari-adminNew component specifically for Ambari Admin.
ambari-agentJIRAs related to the Ambari Agent.
ambari-clientJIRAs related to the Ambari Client.
ambari-metricsJIRAs related to Ambari Metrics system.
ambari-serverJIRAs related to the Ambari Server.
ambari-shellNew component specifically for Ambari Shell.
ambari-viewsJIRAs related to the Ambari Views framework. Specific Views that are built on the framework will be handled with labels.
ambari-webNew component specifically for Ambari Web.
blueprintsJIRAs related to Ambari Blueprints.
contribJIRAs related to contributions under "contrib", such as Ambari SCOM
documentationJIRAs related to project documentation including the wiki.
infraJIRAs related to project infrastructure including builds, releases mechanics and automation
securityJIRAs related to Ambari security features, including Kerberos.
siteJIRAs related to the project site
stacksJIRAs related to Ambari Stacks.
testJIRAs related to unit tests and test automation

Use of Labels

In certain cases, the component listed above might be "too broad" and you want to designate JIRAs to a specific area of that component. To handle these scenarios, use a combination of component + labels. Some examples:

Feature AreaDescriptionComponentLabel
HDP StackThese are specific Stack implements for HDP.stacksHDP
BigTopThis is a specific Stack implement for BigTop.stacksBigTop
Files ViewThis is a specific view implementation for Files.ambari-viewsFiles
Ambari SCOMThis is a specific contribution of a Management Pack for Microsoft System Center.contribAmbari-SCOM